In today’s discussion we focus attention on food safety and delve into the more practical aspects of how to ensure food and nutrition security for all Kenyans in line with the Global SDG (Zero Hunger – SDG2), Vision 2030, and the Big 4 Agenda.
Food safety is everyone’s business and through a collaborative multi-stakeholder standard driven approach is it possible to assure the safety and quality of food for all Kenyans. According to a recent FAO study there is substantial evidence that investments in agricultural research can lead to significant agricultural growth and poverty reduction while Agricultural research and extension systems are central to unlock the potential of agricultural innovation and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (FAO. 2020.
Transforming agricultural research and extension systems. Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Rome.). We examine the practicalities of this with a panel of seasoned agribusiness advisors.
WHEN: FRIDAY, MAY 22ND, 2020, 7-8PM
Lilian Wanjiru
Dr. Lilian Wanjiru Mbuthia-Matoke is currently the senior agronomist for Israel Chemical Limited (ICL) in East Africa based in Nairobi providing technical support for specialty fertilizers as well as training of farmers and extension service providers on soil and crop nutrition management.
David Ndegwa
David Ndegwa is a competent agronomy and crop nutrition expert with over 20 years experience in planning planting programs, plant nutrition programs, spraying programs, setting up labor management systems, budget and financial control in farms. He is a nominated Kenyan BASIS and FACTS examiner by BASIS UK from 2003 to date.
Nekesah Wafulah
Nekesah Wafullah is an Agricultural Economist, Sales and Business Development Consultant. She is a skilled agriculture expert with extensive knowledge in agricultural energy value addition products, agricultural business management services, project management, various forms of fertilizer, their production, sales, marketing aspects and application regimes; cross border fertilizer trade policies; youth and women empowerment.
Jane Musindi
Jane has over 20 years working in the agribusiness industry in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ghana, striving to empower agricultural MSME’s in areas of agronomy support, market linkage, and business system support including crop forecasting and planning, logistics planning, marketing, business planning and training towards compliance to market standards. She owns and operates of a commercial fruit tree nursery in Western Kenya. She is involved in policy advocacy in the Kenyan agriculture industry so as to improve business environment especially for small holder farmers and SMEs. She serves as the chair of the crops sub-sector board of the Agriculture sector board at The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA). She also serves as Technical Coordinator and Board member at the Society of Crop Agribusiness Advisors of Kenya (SoCAA)
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