Benefits of Membership
- Peer-to-peer networking
- Keeping up to date with important research and applications
- Career development advancement
- Networking for professional job opportunities
- Advocacy and support
Membership Categories
Select your suitable membership category below
Members have the right to represent themselves, propose measures, exercise their right to vote and apply for a reconsideration of decisions. They have the duty to collaborate, attend, and comply with the decisions of the general meeting and comply with these bylaws and the Society’s regulations.
Applicable membership fees are listed below
Full Membership
New Registration - Ksh 7,500
Individual advisors and consultants with over 3 years working experience in crop agribusiness. Open to all practicing crop agribusiness advisors and consultants including:
Farm managers
Agrochemical Advisors
Fertilizer Advisors
Seed advisors
Food Safety Specialists
Value Chain Specialists
Policy and Market Access Specialists
Graduate Membership
New Registration - Ksh 4,000
Granted to Individual graduates in the field of Agriculture and other related crop agribusiness fields with less than 3 years of working experience.
Application process
- Fill out and submit the applicable application form including payment. SOCAA Constitution and Code of conduct are available for review prior to submission of membership application.
Make payment as per the membership class that fits you.
Electronic Payment details
Paybill Number: 972900
Account Number: 08239760008 - Upon receipt of your application form and applicable payment a member of the Secretariat will contact you for any clarifications and to provide the next steps. A membership card is prepared for all members and available for collection at the SOCAA office. Annual e-certificates of membership are emailed to members.
- Approved members can thereafter apply to be listed on the SOCAA National Register of Certified Crop Agribusiness Advisors and enroll in the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Scheme as well as fill sign-up on the member’s area to access other resources
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