Theme: Webinar on COVID-19 impact on Kenya’s horticulture sub-sector
Date: 1st July 2020, 10am to 12pm
Join us as we unpack strategic initiatives that will drive the recovery and resilience of Kenya’s horticulture sub-sector, one of the leading foreign exchange and employment sectors in the economy, in the post-COVID19 era. Our panel of horticulture, development and economy experts will explore what the unfolding opportunities in the domestic, regional, and international markets and what sector actors must do to ensure horticulture drives the recovery and growth of Kenya’s economy and how strategic partnerships between government, private sector and development partners can drive the sector forwards.
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Erick Ogumo, Chairman, SOCAA
Joshua Oluyali – Deputy Director in Charge of Horticulture, (MOALF&C)
Grace Kyalo – Manager, Technical and Advisory Services AFA, Horticulture Crops Directorate (HCD)
Yessie Meyer – Regional Program Manager, COLEACP
Hosea Machuki – CEO, Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK)
Richard Fox – Chairman, Kenya Flower Council (KFC)
Onesmus Masinde – Trade Manager, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce, and Industry (KNCCI)