We continue to delve into the more practical aspects of making food safety the norm as we seek to achieve food and nutrition security for all Kenyans in line with the Global SDG (Zero Hunger – SDG2), Vision 2030 and the Big 4 Agenda. Food safety is everyone’s business and through a collaborative multi-stakeholder standard driven approach is it possible to assure the safety and quality of food for all Kenyans.
With regards to seeds and crop establishment it is said you reap what you sow. We therefore examine the issues and practicalities around seeds or planting materials, and crop establishment. How do they impact on productivity and more importantly food safety? What are the key factors to consider from an advisory point of view?
How do we maximize the maximize on seed selection, nursery evaluation and crop establishment to attain high yields in a safe and sustainable manner? What are the pitfalls that producers must consider? We delve into the basics of what works and what does not with a panel of seasoned advisors.
WHEN: FRIDAY, JUNE 19TH, 2020, 7 – 8.15 PM
[gdlr_button href=”https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bGy3ReRETiG_9H3fZfHHgw” target=”_self” size=”medium” background=”#000000″ color=”#ffffff”]REGISTER FOR WEBINAR ONLINE[/gdlr_button]
Kassim Owino
Kassim Owino is currently the Group Managing Director at Prime Seed Co. He has over twenty years experience in the Agriculture Sector with wide experience working in Sub-Saharan Africa horticultural sector in strategic business development and holds a BSc. Agriculture and MSc in Plant Genetics and Breeding.
Dr. Esther Kimani
Dr. Esther Kimani is the former Managing Director of Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS), She is currently working as a CEO at Kovifood International Ltd., a company offering agricultural consultancy on best practices in selected agricultural value chains and on sustainable agricultural market access. She holds a PHD in Crop Protection, Msc. in Plant Pathology and BSC. Agriculture from the University of Nairobi. She is a student of MBA strategic planning. Dr. Esther Kimani has a wide knowledge in quality assurance of agricultural inputs and produce and has been a key player in global standard setting and harmonization of regulations that guide in addressing market access issues of seeds and agricultural produce.
Daniel Wanjama
Daniel Wanjama is the founder and coordinator at Seed Savers Network. He has over 10 years experience working with farmers to link demand to supply of non conventional seeds and seedlings. SSN aim at plugging the gap left by commercial seed sector through a network of seed saving and using farmers. Our intervention is aimed at creating farmers seed enterprises at village level and linking the villages through online seed platform and data base.
Nekesah Wafullah
Nekesah Wafullah is an Agricultural Economist, Sales and Business Development Consultant. She has a BSc in Horticulture, MSc Agricultural and Applied Economics. She is a skilled agriculture expert with extensive knowledge in agricultural energy value addition products, agricultural business management services, project management, various forms of fertilizer, their production, sales, marketing aspects and application regimes; cross border fertilizer trade policies; youth and women empowerment.
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