We continue to delve into the more practical aspects of making food safety the norm as we seek to achieve food and nutrition security for all Kenyans in line with the Global SDG (Zero Hunger – SDG2), Vision 2030 and the Big 4 Agenda. Food safety is everyone’s business and through a collaborative multi-stakeholder standard driven approach is it possible to assure the safety and quality of food for all Kenyans. It is said you reap what you sow. During this meeting, we examine the practicalities of Fertilizers and Agrochemicals, on how to maximize their benefits towards attaining high yields in a safe and sustainable manner. We delve into the basics of what works and what doesn’t.
Ruth Vaughan
Ruth Vaughan was born and schooled in Kenya, went for higher education in Zimbabwe and the University of Cape Town. She worked a brief stint in Garamba National Park in Zaire before travelling to UK to work in International Sales Development. In 1997 Ruth returned to her home in Kenya to follow her passion in farming and set up a soil testing laboratory for CDC in Naivasha. She then worked in several different agricultural sectors: commercial organic vegetable farming for export, growing and breeding roses and summer flowers, and Biological Control. Ruth is a past Technical Director of Kenya Flower Council, and a founder Director of the Lake Naivasha Water Resource Users Association (LANAWRUA). Ruth is currently the Technical Director at CropNuts and is committed to fast, independent, quality analysis and agronomy advice to support the Agricultural Industry in Africa. Ruth is passionate about soil fertility, yield optimization, food security and food quality. Ruth is also very passionate about the environment, preserving our water towers and natural resources for long term
sustainability of farming.
Benson Kibiru
Benson is currently an agronomist and the resident soil scientist with SGS Kenya Ltd, Agriculture Food and Life (AFL)/Consumer Retail Services (CRS)/Minerals line of service with more than eight (8) cumulative years’ work experience in various Soil Science and Land-Use Management, Soil Survey and GIS Nutrient Mapping, Agribusiness advisory services, Food Safety-Agronomy to Human Health Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners related services. He holds a BSc. Soil Science and Land-Use Management, MSc in Soil Science (Tropical Soil Science) and Accounting and Finance CPA. His experience spans across execution, Technical Lead and Project management in Land-Use/Soil Science, Crop, Food and Fertilizers related projects for diverse organizations in Agro-Food industries including Government institutions, Private and Public companies, Non-Governmental organizations (NGOs), High
Education institutions and International Research Organizations in Eastern Africa Region.
Jack M. Juma
Jack M. Juma is a technical advisor on organic production, standards and certification with 17 years working experience in Organic agriculture sector. Has had a wide range of experience in the organic sector/ industry and chairs organic products technical committee with Kenya Bureaus of Standards. Has experience in developing organic value chains through producers groups and has facilitated a number of organic value chain certification in Kenya with local farming communities through producer organized under internal control system or participatory guarantee system. Helped developed organic certification project in a number of African countries as a consultant for . He has been a Consultant trainer for AUC on Modern Organic production and market and Organic standards and certification which has helped built capacity a pool of practitioners across the continent particularly in ECOWAS, EAC, SADC and COMESA.
Nekesah Wafullah
Nekesah Wafullah is an Agricultural Economist, Sales and Business Development Consultant. She has a BSc in Horticulture, MSc Agricultural and Applied Economics. She is a skilled agriculture expert with extensive knowledge in agricultural energy value addition products, agricultural business management services, project management, various forms of fertilizer, their production, sales, marketing aspects and application regimes; cross border fertilizer trade policies; youth and women empowerment.
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