Project Brief

Regenerative Agricultural practices for improved Livelihoods and Markets (REALMS) is a project whose aim is to solve the problem related to “the degradation of natural resources and income due to unsustainable practices by smallholder farmers, lack of support services and lack of supportive enabling environment for the implementation of regenerative agriculture practices”.

REALMS supports the adoption of both regenerative and circular agricultural practices at the farm level with a focus to influence production and encourage service providers (SMEs) to supply the required products and services.

  • Regenerative agriculture includes a set of practices that restore the soil and biodiversity at the farm.
  • Circular agriculture is a set of practices based on principles of nutrient recycling, optimal use of resources, biodiversity and use of renewable energy.

Achieving Regenerative Agricultural practices for improved Livelihoods and Markets

To achieve this, REALMS will be focusing on three interlinked pathways to ensure long-term change:

  1. Assist smallholder farmers to adopt regenerative agricultural practices.
  2. Support private sector actors to provide products and services supporting regenerative agriculture.
  3. Assist Public sector and civil society actors to create an enabling environment in support of regenerative agriculture.

Through evidence-based advocacy with national and county based stakeholders we look forward to fruitful collaborations that will build on existing legislation, identify priority areas for budgetary allocation and public private partnership through the nexus between climate change and agriculture.

The core principles of Regenerative Agriculture

  1. Minimize soil disturbance
  2. Maximize crop diversity
  3. Keep the soil covered
  4. Maintain living root all year round
  5. Integrate livestock