SheTrades Commonwealth in collaboration with The Society of Crop Agribusiness Advisors of Kenya (SoCAA) is pleased to invite you to a Masterclass Webinar Series in Avocado, French Beans, and Peas Value Chain.
The Masterclass series is designed to deliver the latest technical knowledge to optimize production and market access for French beans, peas, and avocados. It is geared towards promoting food safety, quality, postharvest handling, understanding market requirements, advocacy for gender inclusivity, and stakeholder linkages in the horticulture sub-sector.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
1. Enhanced technical know-how for SMEs in the avocado, French beans, and peas value chains.
2. Promotion of sustainable and inclusive trade practices and policies and specifically, how inclusive trade can contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
3. Promotion of initiatives towards food loss and food waste.